The Land of a thousand Hills Rwanda Mountain Gorilla Tracking Volcanoes National Park Rwanda | Mountain Gorilla Volcanoes National Park | Mountain Gorilla | Rwanda


Landlocked in Central Africa, Rwanda’s 26,338 km2 is surrounded by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Often referred to as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” Rwanda has unceasing mountains, including the famous Virunga volcanoes in the northwest, which support bamboo forests and some of the last surviving mountain gorillas. While Lake Kivu has some of Africa’s finest inland beaches, Nyungwe National Park with its dense montane rainforest is perfect for primate viewing. Modern and secure is Kigali, the capital. 

Rwanda has progressed and is embracing a better future, even though the 1994 genocide is usually connected with this nation.
Rwanda’s economy is mostly driven by tourism; hence, guests are much welcomed. Rwanda, which has a population of more than 13 million, is densely inhabited, with 84% Hutu, 15% Tutsi, and 1% Twa. After years of persecution, the indigenous Twa tribe is becoming more well-known.

The tiny area of Rwanda and need for agricultural land restrict the number of national parks. The endangered mountain gorilla finds refuge in Volcanoes National Park; Nyungwe National Park is known for its primates. Rising from devastation caused by civil conflict, Akagera National Park has witnessed the comeback of rhinos and lions.
The most recent addition, Gishwati Mukura National Park, safeguards a little chimpanzee population. 

Rich in culture, Rwanda has the Intore dance company known for its warrior displays. Along with French-influenced choices in metropolitan areas, the cuisine of the nation includes traditional East African foods such as ugali and matoke. Additionally, very important for Rwanda’s economy are its tea and coffee estates.

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